Below you will find links to several websites about Charles Dickens and about the book Oliver Twist.  Read the descriptions below the link for a general idea of what you will find on that site.

Dickens Biographical Sites

Dickens Info on Victorian Web

(Dickens' Chronology life to death.  This site provides an excellent timeline for understanding Dickens' life and gaining some understanding of reasons why he may have written some other the things he did.)

Dickens and Oliver Twist

(This site features a plot summary and a review of the main themes and characters in Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist")

Dickens' Biography By Helsinki

(Here you can find a whole list of other links to many of Dickens' works and to Biographical sites about him as well.  This is an excellent resource.)

Oliver Twist Sites:

Polanski's Oliver Twist Movie Review

(A critical movie review about Polanski's version of Oliver Twist.  This review's title is "Polanski's version of Dickens classic leaves one hungry for more")

Waters Biographical Site:

Sarah Waters' Personal Biography

(This site features information about Sarah Waters and has a brief timeline of her life.)

Fingersmith Links:

Fingersmith Summary

(A very brief summary about Sarah Water's novel without giving away any important aspects of the plot.)

New York Times Fingersmith and Oliver Twist Comparison

(This site is an article about how Fingersmith can be compared to Dicken's writings.  It features a lot of great insight and comparisons to novels and characters.)